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Liebster Award | Discover New Bloggers ♡
Firstly thank you to Candice Peterson from BeautyCandyLoves for the nomination and sharing the blogger love with me. Check out her blog, she is also new to the blogging world just like me and getting recognition in this industry can be quite hard.
What is the Liebster Award??
What is the Liebster Award??
Well the Liebster
Award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers to encourage them to
grow their network and share the love with fellow new bloggers.
does this all work?
The nominator gives
the nominee some questions to answer and then the nominee nominates other
upcoming bloggers a few questions as well!
The Questions BeautyCandyLoves has given me:
The Rules:
Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
Answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominator.
Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them
Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
Answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominator.
Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them
The Questions BeautyCandyLoves has given me:
Who is your favorite
SA Blogger?
At the moment I am obsessed with Luzanne from Pink Peonies blog. She has the most cutest posts and beauty discoveries. Its hard not to love her blog and follow her.
What makes your blog
I guess because my blog does not revolve around shopping/reviewing higher end products only or products from international stores which cannot be reached without blowing more cash on shipping and duties. I am more a beauty blogger on a budget which appeals to most women from working students, to the average working women and mother. You don't have to buy the most expensive products to have a successful blog. I appeal to women who are looking to enhance their natural beauty with the beauty products they have at home or can purchase at stores like Clicks & Dischem without putting a dent in their wallets.
What is your current
Current obsession has to be the Woolworths Fresh Delights Caramel & Creme Handcream. I'm telling you it is amazing. I am a huge OCD person when it comes to being moisturised and this hand cream is crazzzzy amazing and smells like roasted caramelised nuts.
If you were stuck on
an island what is the one item you would take with you?
Hand & Body Lotion :-P
What is your personal
I would say City Chic. I love to dress up for no reason.
What or whom inspires
Many things inspire me, it could be other bloggers or TV & magazines. I get alot of inspiration from the feeback from my viewers and readers.
Most memorable
Most memorable experience has to be when my boyfriend took me to go play with Cheetah Cubs and Tiger Cuubs. And also Shark Cage diving at Ushaka Marine World. Was so amazing to see what we take for granted living in South Africa. Most people travel the world ot visit our country and see the wildlife, whereas we have the opportunity at our fingertips. What an awesome experience it was. Would do it again anyday!
So now its my turn to nominate some bloggers. There's no limit to how many you can nominate hey?? Lol. hmmmm I nominate Fancy Pants, Snap Sizzle and Cook, Ordinary Misfit, Blushing Maiden
My Questions for you lovely ladies are:
Why did you start your blog?
What is the menaing behind the name of your blog?
If money were no object what would you doing all day?
If you could be a celebrity who would you be and why?
What do you find beautiful?
Who is your fav blogger in South Africa/Inernationally?
Favourite quote?
Who is the most inspiring person you follow on instagram?
If you could visit any place in the worl, where would you go?
What is the craziest memory with your best friend?
Now its your turn, share the love!!
Stay Blessed
x o x o
Most memorable experience has to be when my boyfriend took me to go play with Cheetah Cubs and Tiger Cuubs. And also Shark Cage diving at Ushaka Marine World. Was so amazing to see what we take for granted living in South Africa. Most people travel the world ot visit our country and see the wildlife, whereas we have the opportunity at our fingertips. What an awesome experience it was. Would do it again anyday!
So now its my turn to nominate some bloggers. There's no limit to how many you can nominate hey?? Lol. hmmmm I nominate Fancy Pants, Snap Sizzle and Cook, Ordinary Misfit, Blushing Maiden
My Questions for you lovely ladies are:
Why did you start your blog?
What is the menaing behind the name of your blog?
If money were no object what would you doing all day?
If you could be a celebrity who would you be and why?
What do you find beautiful?
Who is your fav blogger in South Africa/Inernationally?
Favourite quote?
Who is the most inspiring person you follow on instagram?
If you could visit any place in the worl, where would you go?
What is the craziest memory with your best friend?
Now its your turn, share the love!!
Stay Blessed
x o x o
Thank you for your beautiful words!!