by - March 24, 2014

Those who look to him are radiantand their face shall never be ashamed
| Ecclesiastes 3:11

Its as easy as One, Two, Three.

So the secret is out. This is how a maintan a smooth canvas for foundation application. Some women do not have the problem but for women like me, we have to resort to doing these lil methods to get rid of the ugly hairs on our face and neck.  
UFH - Unwanted Facial Hair - Hirsutism (medical term for excessive hair growth) is most common amoungst women, 40% of women to be exact, and I just happen to be one of them. They say the underlying causes are Hereditary, Hormones  and Medication. Most women can't find the time to resolve the issue becuse it is time-consuming eg. waxing, threading and lazer treatment. But I found this method to be the quickest and simplist without any pain.

I decided to film this video just to help the 40% of women out there who do suffer from this excessive hair growing on these sensitive areas like our face, neck and upper lips. Its painfree, very easy and take a few minutes.

Hope you enjoy the video and let me know what you think, Did it work for you, Have you tried it???

Stay Blessed
Love you guys
x o x o
| S E E N  O N  M E
  Statement Vest- Mr Price  | Name Chain - NWJ

| P R O D U C T S  U S E D |
Ardell Eyebrow Kit (Spatular) - Clicks
Environ Alpha Day Lotion - Sorbet

| T A  L K   T O   M E |
I N S T A G R A M | F A C E B O O K  |  Y O U T U B E | T W I T T E R | K E E K

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Thank you for your beautiful words!!