My 2013 Style [RECAP]

by - January 07, 2014

 Happy New Year My Angels!!!

I can't believe it is already 2014 and the last time I did a blog post was last year... Sorry for the delay, but I'm back after a much needed vacation and relaxation time with my family. SO today's post is just a mash up of all my outfit posts for the past year when I started uploading all my OOTD's. I got the idea from the awesome Dulce Candy who also did a similar post and I thought what better way to start the year off and my blog with a recap of what I wore last year...

Hope you enjoy these pics my loves.. I will be doing a post about my fabulous 2 week vacation to Knysna and Cape Town.. Its amazing what  a few days of chilling can do a body good!!

Let me know which of these outfits was your favourite of the year???
Have an awesome week hunnies.. I will be uploading videos sooon as!!! <3


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