by - August 20, 2013

Hey My Loves

So today I decided to feature my Gorgeous friend and fellow fashionista, Sne Zikhali a.k.a Snezy.

So I asked her to introduce her self to the you guys , and she sent me a few of her favorite looks and where we can shop the look from, and this is what she had to say:

"I'm sne zikhali I was born and raised in Richards Bay, and I studied PR (Public Relations) in VC (Varsity College) Durban.  At the moment I'm a General Manager for a IA company in Durban and a Owner of a construction company. I'm. Passionate about many things in my life, I'm focused, driven, independent, fun and full of jokes.

I regard myself as a Very strong individual who dares to be different at all times, I don't conform to the norms of society but I follow the rules.

I'm a Young ambitious woman , I work hard and play Hard. My style is clean and crisp. I love trying out new looks and I mix and match this and that. Hope u like my looks.."

White Dress :YDE
Belt : Forever New
Shoes : Mr Price
Neckpiece : Sass Diva
Earings : Mr Price

Mustard dress : Legit
Neckpiece : Lovisa
Belt : Foshini
Stockings : Edgards
Shoes : Rage

 Top : Cotton On
Neckpiece : SassDiva
Pants : Mr Price
Shoes : Woolworths
Bag : online Boutique

 Top : Woolworths
Skirt : YDE
Stockings : Woolworths
Chain : SassDiva
Shoes : Mr pPice
Earings : Mr Price
Weave/Extensions: Ostrime Beautyworks

Coat : Online Boutique (Paris)
Bag : Forever New
Shoes : Legit

Isnt she stunning right??
Follow Snezy On:

snehope04 on twitter
Snelino on instagram

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Thank you for your beautiful words!!