
by - March 24, 2016

If you didn't already see the video, then where have you been hiding... Lux® partnered with MoFilms to create an Afrocentric film where fragrance inspires confidence and encourages women to express their self-identity.
With a target audience of a woman who is a beauty & fragrance seeker, one who enjoys the process of her beauty regime and feels fabulous while using her beauty to allure the world. She has her own beauty philosophy & signature but is always open to try new things in order to stay with the latest trends. The appeal of Lux’s fine fragrance is that it is sensorial and empowering. It creates shimmering invisible amour that follows her wherever she goes and lingers in a room long after she has gone, infusing our imaginations with a subtle power.

For me I found the film very empowering and almost as if I was watching a movie based in Hollywood. The concept of the feature film was to focus of\n women believing in themselves by using the fragrance from Lux. The fragrance gives you  that ego boost and confidence to take on the world. Especially if you are a women of high esteem and every now and then need that reassurance.

Enjoy the behind the scene picks of the film:

A little back story about the brand:
Lux®, the international iconic beauty brand, has made beauty accessible to women in the world since 1925, making them feel fabulous with every shower.
Landing in over 100 countries in all the continents, Lux® won the hearts of South African beauties and movie stars alike – with “9 out of 10” of the most-watched stars endorsing Lux® as the secret to their beauty.
Lux® is so much more than an average scent, bathing in it makes a woman feel beautiful and when she feels beautiful she acts differently. She is radiant, alluring, confident, captivating, fabulously feminine and unforgettable in every crowd.

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*Paid post*
Simônè Slater

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  1. You had me at afrocentric! Thats right up my ally. I thin i saw this a cople of times on youtube and kept skipping. Well, I'll give it a peep next time I see it.

    Mvumikazi ~ Urban Mnguni


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