VDJ Weekend | Friends July Themed Party

by - July 08, 2013

Hey Lovelies

So this weekend was The Vodacom Durban July which sadly I did not attend.. I know right, how boring and lame am I... But I did not organize things properly so a couple mates and I decide to throw our very own July themed party at my mates house.. We dressed to the theme "Posh Oh My Gosh" which was the theme at the Durban July. I tell you we got kitted out like we had attended the event, but it was just the fun of it. The guys even went to the betting station to be a part of it and we watched it on tv and had a braai (barbeque)  and drinks. So it ended up being awesome, I mean we had good company and we were dressed up.. So all in all it was fun, but we have made a HUGGGGEEE promise that next year we are attending the July.

But I took a few snaps of us in action, hope you enjoy!!

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