DIY: Snow White “Just-Bitten” Lips
Hey Lovely Ladies, If you are a fan of Twilight or Snow White and love the "just-bitten" lip look then you have come to the right place... I have found a DIY to create you very own berry lip stain, is simple and very easy to do all you need is olive oil, pomergrante seeds, raspberries and blackberries(no not the phone LOL). Follow these easy steps and go from nude to luscious lips in minutes.
- 3 Blackberries
- 1 Raspberry
- 3 Pomegranate Seeds
- 1/2 teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- A small Bowl + Spoon
- Fork
- Small 5g Pot/Jar with screw top
What you will need:
How to do it:
STEP 1: Mash the blackberries and raspberry in the bowl thoroughly with the back of your spoon until it resembles a liquid form.
STEP 2: Squeeze the pomegranate between your thumb and index finger to release juice into the mixture over the bowl.
STEP 3: Pour the olive oil into the bowl and stir everything together with your spoon.
STEP 4: Finish by draining the liquid from the mixture into your small portable jar.
Now you’re ready to use your DIY lip stain, pucker up those lips for spring!
Use your fingers to apply the lips stain or a lip brush. Keep it refrigerated for it to last longer as it will only be good for a few days. Remember to have fun with it and play around with the different berries to have different lip stain colours like cherries. Also play around with the fruit ratios, which allows you to customise the shade of stain you would prefer, but blackberries give off the darker shade if you looking for the deep purple tint.
If you have any other home remedies that you would care to share, let me know :-)
Thank you for your beautiful words!!